Shalom aleichem — Students in Göttingen

After a long pause an active and committed young Jewish life exists again in Göttingen. Since Fall 2019 there is a colorfully mixed Jewish student group that meets regularly, open to both Jewish and non-Jewish students and young adults in Göttingen and its surroundings. As the local branch of the North Union of Jewish Students (VJSNord), we are part of a larger Network.

We see ourselves not primarily as a religious or political group; rather our goal is to offer chances for meeting and exchange as well as raising awareness of Jewish topics and of the variety of Jewish identities. We want to give young Jewish voices a chance to be heard.  To this end, we also have good contact to the two Jewish communities in Göttingen.

As well as on Jewish holidays, we get together and plan larger projects at the University: "Mitzvah Day" and the "Jewish Campus Week". We also get together spontaneously for barbeque, cooking and just talking. Past special highlights in Göttingen were the parties for Channukah and Purim.

If you want to find out more, visit our website www.vjsnord.de

You can also find us on Facebook (VJSNord Göttingen) and Instagram (@VJSNord). For questions, or if you would like to become a member of our group, send us an email to:

marko.k@vjsnord.de oder jannes@vjsnord.de.

We are happy for new members and new faces.

Netzer Germany — *Donations needed*

Netzer Germany e.V. is a newly founded association of strongly motivated and committed Netzter Madrichim:ot. We have many plans for this year. After the online WiMa in 2020 and further digital events, we will soon have 3 Summer machanot. We want to organize seminars for Madrichim:ot and meet again at the Wintermachane in December.

For all this, we need your help!

As a young association run by volunteers, we are grateful for your support.

All donations are exclusively and directly applied to our activities for child and youth work in this year.

TaMaR Germany e.V. We are an organization of progressive jewish youth

UPJ-Netzer: Union of Progressive Jews — youth division →